Thursday, August 18, 2005

News from Texas

I received an email today from a friend that I have never met but found my profile many months ago online. She was most helpful guiding me to exercise properly for this journey...I have copied her email that she sent to me today (leaving out her personal details as she can add that if she likes)

"Hey there Kathleen! I was working from home yesterday, Tuesday, when I was checking a few radio stations I listen to over the Internet and what a surprise to here an interview with none other than y-o-u. Yep, I think the station was CFRA in Ottawa. I was like "WOW! She never told me she was going to meet the Pope." If I had known you had an audience with such a powerful person I would have been keeping a closer eye on your training program. Oh well, good luck on the journey across Europe and hope all goes well and you stay safe. You are an inspiration!Love,Tiffany"

So to my surprise, Tiffany was listening! Who knew!!!??? Tiffany lives in Texas.

I guess someone IS listening!! So off I go to Be at Peace..

Ciao for now!


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