Friday, November 25, 2005


Well one son married and a brand new Daughter in Law. Here I sit in wonder of how the tapestry of the Creator brings together those that can be so loving! It was a fantasy wedding. In addition to the beauty radiating from the bride, there was pure evidence of love and amore in the air. How simply delightful to be able to see such beauty in the young and the old! A sacred wedding brings out the best in everyone doesn't it? We can learn much from Love displayed. It really is infectious and spreads like a virus!!! I extend to Dave and Kelly a life filled with Joy and Laughter and Grandchildren!!!!!!!!!! (lol and xox )

Now I begin the baking for Christmas. We do a Christmas cookie exchange at work and everyone is gearing up for the Bake Off! I made four dozen last night and will spend the weekend in flour and wonderful smells in my house! The Christmas decorations have been brought up from the basement and the house is about to be transformed into a starlit radiance of Light.

Sometimes simple things rekindled from days gone by can bring back what we once enjoyed so much.

May this Love find you in your seeking and bring you Peace on Earth this day and all the days to come! Deep Peace, Kathleen