Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Life is a description of our own thoughts?

To all that take the moment to read this. Remove all thoughts and sit in the silence of Life. We are bombarded with external influences. More and more I see this in my own life and wonder who really is at the core of this being? How can I possibly like myself if I think that the world around me is me. I am not my thoughts and not what is before my eyes...therefore...who am I? Well it is a question asked by the more learned to the least learned..we all are this question. I am choosing to love me. I have chosen to pour my love into others as well. I am choosing to continue to love but not to look into my creation to see the results but to look at that which created me and be thankful. Here is a picture of a recent wedding I was privileged to perform. The couple express their love to one another with ease and their reflection was such a wonderful place to be present. I am sharing this moment with you as my gift of love. I hope you feel the warmth and know I send it to you with my personal joy, Kathleen