Saturday, September 29, 2007

Such fun! I recently launched my book and CTV and Rogers interviewed me last week.

A Channel will be interviewing me on October 19th and I will be giving away copies of the book to those in attendance. It is just a small little book but it is packed with all the ingredients you need to have a happy process in discussing finances and purchasing a home! Why did I write it? Because it was needed. So much information and who to trust. Well, if I was willing to put it in writing then I must believe it, right? You don't have to agree with what I have written but you might want to spend the $14.95 to have as a guide in your pocket while you contemplate the process. Purchase the book at


Buy the book and seek to understand THEN to be understood! Listen to what your girlfriend is learning while she reads the book!
Anyone that books their mortgage with me will receive a copy of the book from me free!