Monday, March 10, 2008

Rolling up our sleeves for the Homeless in Ottawa

Wow!!! What a day! We organized an event with over 25 women who were more than willing to help the homeless and it was extraordinary that within hours we have over the number required to hold this event. Amazing really! In my past I have organized events often and never had such a great turnout! Who knew we would have a huge snow storm! No problem! Women know how to move mountains to make things happen! I had faith that this would not be a big deal. WHOOPS! At 5am Sunday morning I awoke and put my coat on overtop of my pajamas and started digging out the waist deep snow at my front yard so I could arrive at the Shepherds of Good Hope in time for 8am. Well it was heavy and hard and never have I had so much snow in my driveway! So, I did what any mother would do.... I woke up my 17 year old son to help me dig out of our driveway. Which he did! Without a word, he got out of bed and helped. We shoveled just the area we needed to get the car onto the road and then proceeded to get stuck on the driveway as there was ice underneath the snow. A man who was stuck further down the street, came and offered to help. We just couldn't get the car to move, so we managed to get it back onto the driveway enough so that if the plows came by, it would not be in the way and I went in to get dressed to take the bus to downtown. No big problem, I had time. I just didn't expect that there would be so many emails from people calling that they were sick, stuck or for lots of reasons were not able to attend. I are we going to feed 400 people without any volunteers? I knew they were depending on us to be there and regardless of the weather, the homeless would still be looking to be fed. Like every mother, I would not want to know that my children were on the street without a warm place to go on such a night/ day as this. My son decided to join me as I have not used the bus system in quite some time. We managed to arrive at 9am and I was so thrilled to see that although many had not been able to come, we had enough to serve the people who arrived and peel the potatoes, make the salads and do the dishes. I can tell you that we were all moved by the brothers and sisters we saw this day. I was seeing people that I have seen before and some new ones as well. One in particular was a young woman probably in her twenties. She had pants on that had a hole in her rear and was asking for a pair of pants to replace them. It was very very cold and I looked closely to see that the pants were pj bottoms that were not very warm. I was given the key to go to the clothing section of donated clothes. When I saw that she was so cold and her body was shivering I was not going to let her go back outside without some warmer clothes. She didn't want anyone to think she had stolen any clothes!!! But I told her that no one was going to give her a hard time because we would all want her to be warm enough and that I was fully prepared to give her whatever she needed to keep her warm. When she took off her jacket I realized it was a spring jacket and all she had on underneath was a tank top. Her blue lips were blue for a reason. She was so cold because she did not have any clothes to keep her warm and was unable to have anyone hear her requests for clothing was not that she wanted to be fashionable, although that is what kept her acceptable to her peers. I was wondering how she had kept warm and thankful to be in a place to offer her unbiased assistance.She moved me to realize as a reflection of myself, exactly what I would be like if I had no money. Often I have known wealthy businessmen who have been on the street when their businesses failed and no pension income to support them, they begin again. As a business woman I am aware of how often this happens but that pride prevents them from telling their story of what happened. I met someone who is an author who works at the Shepherds of Good Hope and he told our group a story of a young business woman who struggled for her own identity at a young age she lost her parents. What would you do? How do we cope when life hits us square in the face. When we don't have guidance, what does the human spirit do? It survives, but it could also thrive....given the right ingredients. Over the years that I have participated with the homeless, I have been learning so much from them. I can tell you that the women that came on this snowy day to roll up their sleeves and serve the homeless, took away great wealth of how we can be with one another. Not in judgement, but living from their hearts. IT was a heartwarming day for everyone. Warm in the bellies and warm in the heart. A warm coat to take away and a Joyful feeling at least for a few moments, to remember that we are all equally walking our own paths. When we fall we are not alone, when we succeed we are not alone. But we have each other, holding hands and remembering to be ONE.
God Bless YOU