Monday, August 29, 2005

hola from valencia

and here we are at an internet cafe. it is monday and i am in an internet cafe in valencia, spain. wow..what a wonderful place. very old and very new and very clean place. i arrived last evening with two members of the rose cross who invited me to stay with them here. i will take a flight this evening to rome after joining them at their office for lunch which they take at two o´´clock and then eat at 9 o´clock. on our way here from the monastery we stopped to take a tour of one of the templar churches called san bartolome in soria spain.

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very interesting place with many caves all around and a monolith standing close by. unfortunately, my spanish is not good enough yet to translate the details of what i have seen but i will later...stay tuned... my spanish is improving but i have not figured out how to use the computer for capital letters just yet. so see you in rome, adios!!!!


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