Monday, August 29, 2005

hola from valencia

and here we are at an internet cafe. it is monday and i am in an internet cafe in valencia, spain. wow..what a wonderful place. very old and very new and very clean place. i arrived last evening with two members of the rose cross who invited me to stay with them here. i will take a flight this evening to rome after joining them at their office for lunch which they take at two o´´clock and then eat at 9 o´clock. on our way here from the monastery we stopped to take a tour of one of the templar churches called san bartolome in soria spain.

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very interesting place with many caves all around and a monolith standing close by. unfortunately, my spanish is not good enough yet to translate the details of what i have seen but i will later...stay tuned... my spanish is improving but i have not figured out how to use the computer for capital letters just yet. so see you in rome, adios!!!!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Kathleen  Posted by Picasa

Here is a headline from Ottawa about the Peace Walk

Thursday, August 18, 2005

News from Texas

I received an email today from a friend that I have never met but found my profile many months ago online. She was most helpful guiding me to exercise properly for this journey...I have copied her email that she sent to me today (leaving out her personal details as she can add that if she likes)

"Hey there Kathleen! I was working from home yesterday, Tuesday, when I was checking a few radio stations I listen to over the Internet and what a surprise to here an interview with none other than y-o-u. Yep, I think the station was CFRA in Ottawa. I was like "WOW! She never told me she was going to meet the Pope." If I had known you had an audience with such a powerful person I would have been keeping a closer eye on your training program. Oh well, good luck on the journey across Europe and hope all goes well and you stay safe. You are an inspiration!Love,Tiffany"

So to my surprise, Tiffany was listening! Who knew!!!??? Tiffany lives in Texas.

I guess someone IS listening!! So off I go to Be at Peace..

Ciao for now!

Ok The Countdown begins

I leave for Europe August 23rd and my first stop is in Spain to attend a 4 day silent retreat. That should be a good start for me (for those who know me, they would be either choking/laughing out loud or snickering at the mention of me being silent for more than a few seconds). I then move on to Italy to join my group to walk from Assisi to Rome ending with a Peace Conference and private audience with the Pope. Details will follow as I go along but tune in as I attend to internet cafes along the way to update you!
Over coffee this morning talking with a coworker a comment was made. We need to get uncomfortable in order to get out of our funks and limitations. How true is that? My goodness, taking a stand for anything these days is uncomfortable. So, here I am getting uncomfortable.
I have looked at emails telling me to bring protein snack foods for the walk from Assisi to Rome, the right shoes, the right socks, the right clothes. I have decided that I cannot be do or have all that is required to make the perfect walk and since it kind of corresponds with my entire spiritual path and how I got here, I have decided to go as I am, with what I have to wear and what training (which has been rather limited) I have accomplished.
But you know what? I really get that busy people get things done!!! My list of things to do is actually getting accomplished. This website was one of those things. What I didn't realize was that there are many many people ( we are talking thousands who have found this website in less than 2 weeks) who have the same interest. Go figure!!! We ALL want PEACE! We ALL want to go to Higher Ground and we all want to ensure that those we love on this earth are given something of a gift. Well, at least that is how this originally started. It started by contemplating what was something I could do to leave for my grandchildren, my great grandchildren and their children so they could look forward for themselves. In contemplating this thought I realized, I could step out of my routine and change something, anything at all and live my passion for PEACE.
I am a mother of 3 sons aged 27,25 and 14. They have been my teachers. This year, my middle child will be married in November and in the process of seeing how this dynamic impacts our family, it has made me realized that the simple answer of YES is really quite significant and not to be underestimated. So, I said YES to joining the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking January 1st 2004. On January 6th, 2004, I fell and broke my leg in two places for which I now carry a titanium rod and extra screws (loose screws are potentially floating around within my head…just kidding!!!!!!!!!! ;))So this journey is one that I know is not simple on a good day, but will be a challenge for me and hopefully not too much of a burden for others. Your prayers are graciously received.
This website is for YOU and for me. We build it together. Like a dark room filled with each one of us bearing a candle waiting to be lit. I light my candle and in turn each one of us light our own candle. Joining together we bring the Light to the darkness. Please do join in and add your own light to this website that we may live in Peace joined by our hearts this day and always!
Ok, so that's it for today. A few words shared with you. Thanks for being here. See you soon!