Friday, September 02, 2005

Hurricane Katrina and Rome

I have just arrived in Rome and for the first time, I am seeing the news about Hurricane Katrina and the devastating and horrific human conditions are prevailing in this area. The news I had heard before but the conditions are more difficult than I had imagined. When we were leaving the spiritual gathering of the Rose Cross, one of our sisters was returning home to Boca Raton, Louisianna and I had heard the storm was hitting her area. On our email group the posting went up for spiritual aid for the area. Now we will need to really offer more as globally we are affected by each thing happening on earth. The UN spokesperson spoke of the weather conditions around the world being more and more severe, so it makes one realize how important practising kindness and compassion for each other really is. I have copied the email from my Rose Cross sister from Louisianna for you to hear about the conditions in her home town.

Kathleen: just got my cable, tele, telephone back, so I rush to say that we have the privilege of being OK.; our house is fine, but some other parts of town are destroyed. There is plenty to do here, and I worked as a volunteer, whereever I could today. My son is cruising the streets of N.O. with a small fishing boat,and saves as many human and pets as he can, trapped in attics, along with his best friend.Once we start we feel awful to take a break-
It was so wonderful in Spain! I try to think of this instead of sadness, because it is my nature to always show strength and leadership, but I weep on the 3rd world misery which is ours. THANKYOU ALL, it's so good to read your concerns, and I knew you would all be thinking of me and my family-while having no electricity nor cable.Thank you for all spiritual aid; we are desperately in need of it right now.


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