Friday, September 02, 2005

Relief for Louisiana and wanderings of Rome

Hello All,

Rome is quite the city to get lost in and so that's exactly what I did today. In preparation for the spiritual walk, I have walked 4 hours today without stopping. In Rome, that is easy to do. So much to see all around. My camera has been busy but the internet available here does not accomodate pictures so that will be upon my return. Beauty is everywhere. IN the sculptures, the churches the landscape and the people. The inner city is so lovely with those that are working in the shops very helpful and loving. The paparazzi is rather bold though and not quite so enjoyable to see, but there seems to be a few notables around. Tomorrow, there is a free Elton John concert at the coliseum so I hope to find a place nearby to watch. Everyone here says to get there 12 hours before the concert...but there is so many things going on in this city all at the same time, being anywhere is a good thing. I hope to go to Firenze on Sunday as everyone has suggested that I take that journey to see the creative spirit at work. Ciao for now...Kathleen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mickey Kaus: Biden's Goat, Gotten. Still unpresidential after all these years. 09/02/05 Timothy Noah: On not owning a vacation home.
A nice blog - keep it up. Time permitting, please drop over so that I can share the latest in golf package with you.

1:40 p.m.  

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