Saturday, September 03, 2005

Saturday morning in Rome

how lovely...I have found an internet cafe where I am listening to recording artists upstairs singing their songs while I type my message. Really lovely!!! To hear Italian love songs being song is such a wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning. After I am finished writing this blog I will sit outside in the warm sun and sip a cappucinno before walking up the street to the Vatican city. This morning I took a wrong turn after the bus let us off and ended up in the less desireable area of Rome so I decided to walk along the water which I thought was leading me to the older part of the city...I was wrong. I did meet some interesting people living by the water's edge but not in hotels, in make shift accomodations made from old rugs and sheets. they were well equiped mind you with pots and pans and all the necessary utensils. I continued my walk and very close by were very expensive apartments and wealth. Funny how close we are to each other...without really looking... I did find my way to the metro and to my destination...just a 2 hour stroll into another aspect of life. It was a lot quieter there than in the older part of the city preparing for the Elton John concert tonight. I am off...time for a cappucinno. ciao for now, Kathleen


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