Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Red Noses to sore toes Day 3

hello is day 3 and the body is having a few complaints, but only one blister so far. buns of steel here I come. The scenary is out of this world..many times I hear the comment, why would anyone want to go anywhere is just lovely to turn around on the road and see yourself surrounded by the most gentle mountains and cities popping out of the mountain. Just lovely...most people are driving by honking waving and shouting encouraging do I know what they are saying??? cuz there have been some Italians join us who affirm they are reaching out to us. Almost every car waves or honks..amazing. We have people from approx 22 different countries with us. The peace walk that came in on Sunday has shown me a new perspective. We were wondering about a few images we were seeing and wondering what it had to do with peace but we were walking with our own message and singing John >Lennon songs...all we are saying...some were joining in...others were showing an aggravation.. I was glad >I was wearing Canadian clothes and hat when I understood later what was happening. Some of our group joined in wearing red noses by putting lipstick on their noses. I didn,t have the right colour so I did not. Yesterday at dinner there was a woman from the media sitting next to me and I was telling her how cute they all looked acting like clowns at a peace walk. I found out that the red noses meant they were from the communist party of so much for clowns. there is an election here in October and there is much conversation about Bush and the war here...all the canada hats and stickers have become very popular here for the walkers...all the canadians have really been appreciative and some of the americans have taken to representing themselves as canadians. Nasty graffiti that is anti american is everywhere especially I noticed in Rome on every statue, but also in these small towns. We were in Trevi last night..I am so tired I am not sure what town I am in but it starts with an S...Hotel Charleston, is where we are staying I think..they are having an art exhibit across the street and there are red penguin statues in every window and giant sized red poodles on either side of the door entrance..we had a good laugh after a long day walking in the sun...we thought we were delirious, so it was hysterical to see them there greeting us!! Every town we come to has the most incredible clothes and I wish I could spend some money getting a whole new wardrobe!! They are really something the fashion here...small town or not!

The beds are small the rooms are small there have been no baths but showers that leak on the floor so a sense of humour and a great roommate from France with British background has been a real god send...she has children the same age and is single also, so we are having a good time getting to know one another and encouraging each other to keep going. She keeps the same pace and we are at the front of the pack each day finishing before the others that are walking...we also have some that are joining us each day by bus as they have trouble with crutches and old age...there are all ages shapes and sizes is a hoot to see what lilfe has created. Amazing young men and women that blow my mind with their wisdom!!! Truly a treat.

Monday, September 12, 2005

End of Day One

ok...feet hurt. Got lost a couple of times but we are real troupers. Rained most of the day. Just as we found the hotel, it poured buckets so I am glad we were here. I seem to have lost my umbrella, so I hope I find it for tomorrow,as there will be many days of rain. Lovely countryside and great people. A good night sleep will be very good as tomorrow there are many uphills to be done. gotta go...lineup for the internet. Ciao, Kathleen

Day One of the Walk

We had a taste of what will be yesterday joining 500,000 others walking for peace in Assisi. We joined them and brought our cloth of many colours with us. As we had with us the bride and groom that had been married in the morning by Jimmy Twyman of the Beloved Community...there was much to be excited about. I will add later, but there are many wanting to use the computer so I must be breif. Much excitement, much love...see you later

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Journey of Peace

We are now in Assisi, the beginning of the same journey St. Francis took 800 years ago. The physical town of Assisi is just simply amazing. The buildings are beyond the descriptions of words as the tranquilty of this place stuns the mind. We had a wonderful dinner on the terrace overlooking the valley and watching the sun set below the intertwined vines as our roof. Tomorrow we will travel to the place where St. Francis rebuilt his first church and be inspired for this walk. We will meet with another group there in the meadow to pray for each country the prayer of peace. I have received from my son today a copy of an email from his friend James,who has now left for Iraq. A young man who is going to follow the path of those that he honours that stood for freedom before him. His journey for Peace is as ours is. He choose one path and I choose another. Both will lead to the same place. I honour his choice and offer my prayers for protection of all young men. May we learn on this earth another way. Another way to be with one another and to put down that which we call weapons. I once had a dream that women were holding hands with one another and the young men were dropping their weapons when the came to the circle and joined the hands of those that were being held. Let us form circles of peace with one another and with our hearts joined as one, there will be peace. Shall we?

Monday, September 05, 2005

The quest for Beauty wherever it may be

I should have known something was up when I got into the elevator today to see a camerman preparing to meet his story.

The hotel is holding the prequalifying contests for Miss Italy and there were many beautiful young women at breakfast in the Holiday Inn! We are so smart and yet so unbelieveably naive in the observation of true beauty. Each one of these girls about to present themselves as beautiful next to a landscape that once was the epitomy of beauty. From a beauty pageant to a work of art. My observation of Europe is saddened by the vandalism that I see on almost every statue and work of art. How sad that we are not able to view the true beauty of such amazing efforts from our collective past without a message sent from a paint can interrupting that which was truly given of love. So incredible to sense a loss of respect for that which has been before us. Not so different from the sadness of our brothers and sisters from Louisiana. My heart sees both and acknowledges the true beauty in both parts of the world that is before me. Beauty is not just surface deep, as I can see beyong the vandalism and still understand the beauty the artist was projecting. I see it also in the grace of the faces of those who find their loved ones that they thought were lost. It is in the grace of the stranger who offers to help an old woman onto a waiting stretcher. It is in the grace of our own hearts singing the song of love. Being peaceful and sending you love, Kathleen

Sunday, September 04, 2005

no Elton but yes to Firenze

After walking and walking and walking...12 hours all together, there were so many people at the concert and the distance was too far to see no to Elton. But today Firenze is the inspiration of dreams come to you later about it gotta go, Kathleen

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Saturday morning in Rome

how lovely...I have found an internet cafe where I am listening to recording artists upstairs singing their songs while I type my message. Really lovely!!! To hear Italian love songs being song is such a wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning. After I am finished writing this blog I will sit outside in the warm sun and sip a cappucinno before walking up the street to the Vatican city. This morning I took a wrong turn after the bus let us off and ended up in the less desireable area of Rome so I decided to walk along the water which I thought was leading me to the older part of the city...I was wrong. I did meet some interesting people living by the water's edge but not in hotels, in make shift accomodations made from old rugs and sheets. they were well equiped mind you with pots and pans and all the necessary utensils. I continued my walk and very close by were very expensive apartments and wealth. Funny how close we are to each other...without really looking... I did find my way to the metro and to my destination...just a 2 hour stroll into another aspect of life. It was a lot quieter there than in the older part of the city preparing for the Elton John concert tonight. I am off...time for a cappucinno. ciao for now, Kathleen

Friday, September 02, 2005

Relief for Louisiana and wanderings of Rome

Hello All,

Rome is quite the city to get lost in and so that's exactly what I did today. In preparation for the spiritual walk, I have walked 4 hours today without stopping. In Rome, that is easy to do. So much to see all around. My camera has been busy but the internet available here does not accomodate pictures so that will be upon my return. Beauty is everywhere. IN the sculptures, the churches the landscape and the people. The inner city is so lovely with those that are working in the shops very helpful and loving. The paparazzi is rather bold though and not quite so enjoyable to see, but there seems to be a few notables around. Tomorrow, there is a free Elton John concert at the coliseum so I hope to find a place nearby to watch. Everyone here says to get there 12 hours before the concert...but there is so many things going on in this city all at the same time, being anywhere is a good thing. I hope to go to Firenze on Sunday as everyone has suggested that I take that journey to see the creative spirit at work. Ciao for now...Kathleen

An update from my Rose Cross sister in New Orleans

Night between thursday and Friday, sept 2nd, 2005
> More news, last ones. my son Nathan arrived from New Orleans,
after 48 hours of cruising. the water is now so very polluted by
now, with gasoline, human waste, corpses,etc., that the police
forced them at gun point to leave.After having found a group of
humans in distress, both he and his friend, were pulling some to
higher ground with the little bateau(fishing boat);he was not
allowed to go and continue his rescue-hence a horrible guilt takes
place-that of not doing all the best;many people have given up on
life by throwing themselves in the water-and they just had to
we are the Strong Ones- we must always show our special kind of
courage, because we are privileged to have found our way to a
better education:that of the Order-throughout the centuries, these
unknown Ones have done heroic things which have never been
acknowledged in school books-we must always continue their mission-
Brothers and sisters, Life is full of people who need us: we must
always distinguish ourselves silently by showing our noble
mind,giving much, expecting nothing, and go on finding more to do.We
are the pillars of strength- That's the best message I can offer-Be
attentive to the needs of your fellowmen-Do not wait until they beg
for help: find them wherevere they are and do much- That's love,
pure and simple- Think of Louisiana, think of those who-67%of us
down there-who did not have cars, money, and place to go-hence they
stayed in their attics, with their dogs of misery, just praying for
miracles that did not come.

Hurricane Katrina and Rome

I have just arrived in Rome and for the first time, I am seeing the news about Hurricane Katrina and the devastating and horrific human conditions are prevailing in this area. The news I had heard before but the conditions are more difficult than I had imagined. When we were leaving the spiritual gathering of the Rose Cross, one of our sisters was returning home to Boca Raton, Louisianna and I had heard the storm was hitting her area. On our email group the posting went up for spiritual aid for the area. Now we will need to really offer more as globally we are affected by each thing happening on earth. The UN spokesperson spoke of the weather conditions around the world being more and more severe, so it makes one realize how important practising kindness and compassion for each other really is. I have copied the email from my Rose Cross sister from Louisianna for you to hear about the conditions in her home town.

Kathleen: just got my cable, tele, telephone back, so I rush to say that we have the privilege of being OK.; our house is fine, but some other parts of town are destroyed. There is plenty to do here, and I worked as a volunteer, whereever I could today. My son is cruising the streets of N.O. with a small fishing boat,and saves as many human and pets as he can, trapped in attics, along with his best friend.Once we start we feel awful to take a break-
It was so wonderful in Spain! I try to think of this instead of sadness, because it is my nature to always show strength and leadership, but I weep on the 3rd world misery which is ours. THANKYOU ALL, it's so good to read your concerns, and I knew you would all be thinking of me and my family-while having no electricity nor cable.Thank you for all spiritual aid; we are desperately in need of it right now.