Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Red Noses to sore toes Day 3

hello is day 3 and the body is having a few complaints, but only one blister so far. buns of steel here I come. The scenary is out of this world..many times I hear the comment, why would anyone want to go anywhere is just lovely to turn around on the road and see yourself surrounded by the most gentle mountains and cities popping out of the mountain. Just lovely...most people are driving by honking waving and shouting encouraging do I know what they are saying??? cuz there have been some Italians join us who affirm they are reaching out to us. Almost every car waves or honks..amazing. We have people from approx 22 different countries with us. The peace walk that came in on Sunday has shown me a new perspective. We were wondering about a few images we were seeing and wondering what it had to do with peace but we were walking with our own message and singing John >Lennon songs...all we are saying...some were joining in...others were showing an aggravation.. I was glad >I was wearing Canadian clothes and hat when I understood later what was happening. Some of our group joined in wearing red noses by putting lipstick on their noses. I didn,t have the right colour so I did not. Yesterday at dinner there was a woman from the media sitting next to me and I was telling her how cute they all looked acting like clowns at a peace walk. I found out that the red noses meant they were from the communist party of so much for clowns. there is an election here in October and there is much conversation about Bush and the war here...all the canada hats and stickers have become very popular here for the walkers...all the canadians have really been appreciative and some of the americans have taken to representing themselves as canadians. Nasty graffiti that is anti american is everywhere especially I noticed in Rome on every statue, but also in these small towns. We were in Trevi last night..I am so tired I am not sure what town I am in but it starts with an S...Hotel Charleston, is where we are staying I think..they are having an art exhibit across the street and there are red penguin statues in every window and giant sized red poodles on either side of the door entrance..we had a good laugh after a long day walking in the sun...we thought we were delirious, so it was hysterical to see them there greeting us!! Every town we come to has the most incredible clothes and I wish I could spend some money getting a whole new wardrobe!! They are really something the fashion here...small town or not!

The beds are small the rooms are small there have been no baths but showers that leak on the floor so a sense of humour and a great roommate from France with British background has been a real god send...she has children the same age and is single also, so we are having a good time getting to know one another and encouraging each other to keep going. She keeps the same pace and we are at the front of the pack each day finishing before the others that are walking...we also have some that are joining us each day by bus as they have trouble with crutches and old age...there are all ages shapes and sizes is a hoot to see what lilfe has created. Amazing young men and women that blow my mind with their wisdom!!! Truly a treat.


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