Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Journey of Peace

We are now in Assisi, the beginning of the same journey St. Francis took 800 years ago. The physical town of Assisi is just simply amazing. The buildings are beyond the descriptions of words as the tranquilty of this place stuns the mind. We had a wonderful dinner on the terrace overlooking the valley and watching the sun set below the intertwined vines as our roof. Tomorrow we will travel to the place where St. Francis rebuilt his first church and be inspired for this walk. We will meet with another group there in the meadow to pray for each country the prayer of peace. I have received from my son today a copy of an email from his friend James,who has now left for Iraq. A young man who is going to follow the path of those that he honours that stood for freedom before him. His journey for Peace is as ours is. He choose one path and I choose another. Both will lead to the same place. I honour his choice and offer my prayers for protection of all young men. May we learn on this earth another way. Another way to be with one another and to put down that which we call weapons. I once had a dream that women were holding hands with one another and the young men were dropping their weapons when the came to the circle and joined the hands of those that were being held. Let us form circles of peace with one another and with our hearts joined as one, there will be peace. Shall we?


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